Have you heard of this? Apparently, The Folks think I need to abide by something they call "bed time." As I think back on it, I'm pretty sure I never had one in the past - this is all new to me. Pretty sure. Anyhoo, they're requiring that I go to bed at a certain time, and then stay in there until I fall asleep. I know: crazy. So naturally, I'm fighting it. It's what I do - I fight for the little guy. For you. For you little guy, because you can't fight on your own - you'd hurt yourself. Look at you, you're pathetic. And thats usually not me. I'm a lover not a fighter, usually. I love. People, things, markers, daddy's beard - whatever. I'm a lover. Of stuff, whatever it may be. Forget it - Aaron's the lover. I'm the fighter. I've always been the fighter. Lets face it, when Aaron gets his face messed up by some steroid abusing SuperWhy wannabe on the first day of Preschool, its gonna be me who saves him. ...