Why I say "yeeeaaass!"

So most of the time when you ask me a question, I respond with a "no."
Sometimes I respond with a long, higher pitched "yeeeaass." You may
wonder why this should be so.

First let me rephrase that first sentence: So most of the time when
you ask me a stupid question that utterly insults my intelligence, I
occasionally respond with a long, high pitched,
coming-down-to-your-level "yeeeaaas." As in "yeeeaaasss of course I
want to go outside bozo, Where else?" Or "yeeaaasss I like to zoom
the truck. Do you like to rattle off stupid comments to everyone who
happens to pass by or am I just lucky today?" Or "yeeeaasss I think
you should put me on your shoulders- I've only been asking for that
for the last half-hour." You see, its my way of letting your know
that I'm on to your little
talk-down-to-the-20-month-old-cause-he's-still-a-baby game and I'm not
gonna take it anymore.

And, no, I'm not gonna give you a straight answer about the state of
my pants: poopy or not. So quit asking.


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