Little Twit

So the little brother informs me that he will no longer be posting on this blog.  He says that blogs are so 2007 and he is embracing 2009 in all its glory.  Whatever.  He says that means he going to be posting on Twitter.  Its all the rage with the tweens.  Apparently its like a blog but you can't write as much.  Only like 2 sentences at a time.  I would never survive.    Anyhoo.
I did notice an increase in my advertising revenue when he came on board, so I'll be keeping his posts (apparently they're called tweets) in the sidebar to the right.
Oh, and I found this video that explains twitter for you losers who care to watch.  This is the future?  Great I get to hear about every stinkin' diaper from now on.


a month later we, the adoring fan base, find ourselves wondering, What are Samuel's thoughts on things now?"

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