Book Review - "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"
I stumbled across this find when it was given to me as a gift by my Aunt Bunny. She apparently is a voracious reader and found this in her quest for literature. It opens with a small child inviting a rodent into their house, feeding it and giving it shelter, while letting it run amuck, ruining this child's life. The problem with this book is that its not based in reality. A quote from the book: "If you give a mouse a cookie...he's going to ask for a glass of milk" "When you give him the milk...." And there's the problem - "when". That assumes I'm going to give him milk. If I give a mouse a cookie I'm trying to lure him somewhere so that I can capture him. If he asks me for a glass of milk, I've been way to slow with my approach. Forget about sharing any of my milk with him. And thats another thing - why in the world would I share a cookie with this rodent when he would be just as happy with a bread crumb or a small amount o...