Good work.

I just to take this moment to congratulate the Broge girls on their
recent accomplishments. I was a bit behind on their folks' blog and
just caught up today. It looks like they've taken some of my advice.
Now don't get me wrong- when we visited a few weeks back it was
obvious that these girls knew what they're doing. The pitch of their
cry, the occasional pouty face, the mealtime fussiness - all perfect.
This kind of stuff is innate. I have nothing to teach them there.
While we were there in St. Louis, I took the opportunity to speak with
them in a collaborative way - really learning from them as I imparted
some of the things I've learned these past couple years. We all came
away from the meeting with a greater understanding of just what we can
accomplish if we make a concerted effort.
Anyway, just wanna throw out some props to EJ and MP for implementing
some of the ideas they've been thinking about for the past few months.
I'd like to think I helped encourage them to take that step.


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