
Showing posts from July, 2008

First Post

So my bro says this is an appropriate forum for my intellectual pursuits. I'm familiar with the weblog medium as a tool for information dispursal to the masses. I have been until recently unable to blog due to the fact that Gmail requires a name to sign up. Now that the problem has been remedied, my bro has graciously allowed me to tap into his readership, which he tells me is substantial. For the price I'm paying, it had better be. Well I can barely keep my eyes open get tired purple giraffe tomorrow


For those of you who haven't heard, apparently the guy that The Folks found over the weekend is coming to stay with us. At my house. I know what some of you are thinking. What biting piece of sarcasm is he gonna pull out this time? How is here gonna react to this new and different situation? How will he in his seventeen-month-old, intellectually sound but emotionally immature state hand this nearly overwhelming situation, coping with the demands of new found brotherhood while still coming to grips with his own independence in a new world full of rocky shore, and precipitous mountain peaks? You would think that. On the contrary, I'm opening my life to him-who-till-recently-resided-in-mamas-tummy. Since through this blog, I have found a strong outlet for my thoughts and feelings, a place to come to grips with the world around me and the battles within me, a respite from the stressors of daily living, a place where everyone knows my name not because I have to remind them of ...

Why I mispronounce words

On occasion, I'm asked to say certain words, apparently for the amusement of others. There are other times when I'm asked to repeat certain words - often repeatedly - until the listener thinks I said it "right" or they finally understand that I DON'T CARE. Anyhoo. Can you blame me for throwing in a few mispronounced words? The Folks are so easily frustrated. For example they can't stand it that I call all of their "Jason" friends: "Jesus." Or that I prefer to pronounce every letter in words like "leaf" (leeaaf) or "clean" (clee-aan). I don't buy that whole A after E crap. Or whatever it is. Basically if its a rhyme that supposed to tee-aach me English, I don't buy it. Anyhoo.

Why I Narrate my Life

Those of you who know me well, and honestly, you all should by now, know that I enjoy narrating every detail of my life. From the smallest observations - "Fan off" - to profound insights - "Mama baby tummy" - I enjoy letting you all know how I see it. There are some who have questioned why I do this, why do I take the time to supply you with a running commentary of every last minutiae? Why should I, someone in the prime of his life nowhere to go but up destined for great things futures so bright you gotta wear shades, so carelessly supply the world with my point of view - a view not replicated anywhere, so new to the world that the world doesn't quite get it yet? And I too ask myself: why do this? Who are these people who feed and clothe me that they deserve my endless stream of at times nonsensical ramblings? I supply them with the chance to watch me grow and develop, the opportunity to watch me eat and fill my diaper - why should I also give them this - ...