
For those of you who haven't heard, apparently the guy that The Folks found over the weekend is coming to stay with us. At my house. I know what some of you are thinking. What biting piece of sarcasm is he gonna pull out this time? How is here gonna react to this new and different situation? How will he in his seventeen-month-old, intellectually sound but emotionally immature state hand this nearly overwhelming situation, coping with the demands of new found brotherhood while still coming to grips with his own independence in a new world full of rocky shore, and precipitous mountain peaks?

You would think that.

On the contrary, I'm opening my life to him-who-till-recently-resided-in-mamas-tummy. Since through this blog, I have found a strong outlet for my thoughts and feelings, a place to come to grips with the world around me and the battles within me, a respite from the stressors of daily living, a place where everyone knows my name not because I have to remind them of all the things that are mine, but simply because its written at the top of the site - for all these reasons, I've decided to allow him-who-till-recently-resided-in-mamas-tummy access to my blog, the ability to write posts and post pictures, and pretty much do whatever he wants, (as long as I OK the post 48 hrs in advance after a handwritten submission, after paying me 12 fish crackers to cover web space leasing costs and uploading fees as well as my valuable time.)

So looks for some posts from him. You'll notice that I turned on the feature to tell the author underneath the post. Had to ask the Father how to do that one, which just kills me. He's too busy taking and posting pictures of him-who-till-recently-resided-in-mamas-tummy with his other new baby, to much care though. Anyhoo.


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